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As County Commissioner, I am committed to reducing wildfire risk through a comprehensive plan focused on education, mitigation, and preparation. Read the details below. We CAN do better, together.

1. Education

Educating the community is crucial to wildfire prevention and preparedness. As County Commissioner, I will collaborate and establish public engagement to ensure everyone has the knowledge and tools they need to stay safe and insurable.

  • Collaborative Awareness Campaigns:

  • Firefighter Training & Public Engagement:

    • Support continuous training for firefighters, focusing on the latest wildfire strategies and tactics.

    • Promote and highlight firefighter training events to increase public awareness and demonstrate effective response techniques

  • SREC Notification App Accessibility:

    • Provide comprehensive training on the Spokane Regional Emergency Communications (SREC) notification app to ensure residents can receive timely alerts.

    • Address the needs of deaf, blind, and senior citizens by ensuring the app is accessible to all, including multilingual resources.

2. Mitigation

Mitigation efforts aim to reduce the impact and spread of wildfires through strategic land use and fuel reduction.

  • Enhanced Land Use Policies:

    • Identify areas and proposed developments at risk for wildfires and ensure that all necessary guidelines and codes are in place.

    • Implement and enforce regulations for development within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) to minimize risks.

    • Integrate a wildfire risk category into the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist and ensure compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and WUI Building Codes.

  • Fuel Reduction Programs:

    • Increase fuel reduction initiatives on both public and private lands to lower the availability of combustible materials.

    • Encourage community participation in creating defensible spaces and managing vegetation to reduce wildfire risks.

  • Joint Fire Operations:

    • Invest in joint fire operations in Latah and Five Mile so residents have life-saving response times and firefighters have the resources they need. 

    • Support and advocate for the creation of new fire stations throughout the region, working collaboratively with local firefighters and stakeholders.

3. Preparation

Being prepared for wildfires involves both proactive measures and readiness to respond quickly and effectively.

By prioritizing community involvement, enforcing responsible land use policies, and enhancing firefighting capabilities, Molly Marshall is committed to creating a safer and more resilient Spokane County.


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PO Box 48505,Spokane WA  99228
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