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Molly's Priorities

  • Contaminated Water in Spokane County: PFAS
  • Wildfire Risk Management and Support
  • Transportation Infrastructure
  • Crime Prevention
  • Collaborative Leadership

Contaminated Water in Spokane County: PFAS

  • We urgently need to restore clean water access for District 5 residents affected by PFAS contamination.
  • PFAS has been linked to cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, immune disorders, birth defects, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure and unfortunately, we are seeing these effects across the West Plains.
  • As District 5 County Commissioner, I will prioritize getting clean water and resources to affected residents, and have already developed a plan (see below) to protect the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens.

Read and endorse Molly's plan for cleaning up PFAS contaminated water in Spokane County.

Wildfire Risk Management and Support

  • A large portion of District 5 is at extreme risk for wildfire.
  • By focusing on education, mitigation, and preparation efforts, we can keep our families safe and insurable.

Read Molly's comprehensive plan for wildfire risk reduction in Spokane County.

Transportation Infrastructure

  • Through collaboration with all Spokane county cities, the Washington State Department of Transportation, the legislature, the Governor, the Regional Transportation Council, and the Spokane Transit Authority, I will work to improve the safety of our roads, connect our communities with public transportation, and ensure emergency response and evacuation can happen safely in our community.  

Crime Prevention and Judicial Reform

  • We need to support law enforcement and correction officers and give them resources to do their jobs safely. With prevention efforts and judicial reform, we can attack crime.
  • A comprehensive plan must be put in place to address overcrowding and the need for a new jail.
  • I have the endorsement of the Corrections Officers Local 492 and I look forward to working with them to address our public safety needs.

Collaborative Leadership

  • District 5 needs responsible leadership to tackle these complex issues and collaborate at all levels of government to find solutions. We CAN do better, together!

Paid for by Vote Molly Marshall
PO Box 48505,Spokane WA  99228
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